How to Choose Subject Matter for B2B Story Driven Marketing

June 18, 2024

In the competitive B2B landscape, brands need more than just exceptional products or services to differentiate themselves—they need compelling stories. Storytelling has emerged as a powerful tool for B2B brands to connect with their audience on a deeper level. It humanizes the brand, builds trust, and sets it apart from competitors. This article delves into the five grand genres of B2B brand storytelling: origin, history, mission, product, and customer stories. Each genre offers unique opportunities to define and enrich a brand's identity, providing a narrative that resonates with business clients.

Origin Stories

Origin stories reveal how a B2B brand was founded, emphasizing the vision, challenges, and inspiration behind its inception. These stories are foundational, giving business clients insight into the brand’s beginnings and the values that drive it.

Examples of Impactful B2B Origin Stories

  • Salesforce: The story of Salesforce's inception in a small apartment and its vision to revolutionize customer relationship management highlights innovation and forward-thinking, key values that resonate with its enterprise clients.
  • IBM: IBM’s origin story, starting from its early days as a computing-tabulating-recording company, showcases its long-standing commitment to technological advancement and reliability.

How to Craft an Origin Story for a B2B Brand

  1. Identify Key Events: Highlight significant milestones and breakthroughs in the brand’s early days.
  2. Showcase Founders: Share the motivations and backgrounds of the founders.
  3. Emphasize Challenges and Triumphs: Detail the obstacles faced and how they were overcome.
  4. Connect to Present Values: Demonstrate how the origin story influences current business practices and values.

Impact on Brand Identity

An engaging origin story can:

  • Establish a strong first impression.
  • Build authenticity and credibility.
  • Foster emotional connections with business clients.

History Stories

History stories detail the journey of a B2B brand over time, chronicling significant developments, expansions, and transformations. These narratives provide context and continuity, illustrating the brand's evolution and its steadfast commitment to its core values.

Notable B2B History Stories

  • Microsoft: From its beginnings as a small software company to becoming a global leader in technology, Microsoft’s history story highlights innovation, perseverance, and strategic growth.
  • GE (General Electric): GE’s history, spanning over a century, showcases its continuous evolution and impact on various industries, emphasizing adaptability and long-term vision.

Crafting a Compelling History Narrative for B2B

  1. Chronological Structure: Organize the story in a clear, chronological order.
  2. Highlight Milestones: Focus on key events and achievements that shaped the brand.
  3. Include Visuals: Use photos, videos, and other media to bring the history to life.
  4. Relate to Business Values: Show how historical events align with client values and expectations.

Influence on Brand Perception in the B2B Sector

A well-told history story can:

  • Reinforce the brand’s legacy and credibility.
  • Build trust through a demonstrated track record.
  • Strengthen the emotional bond with business clients by showcasing a consistent journey.

Mission Stories

Mission stories communicate the core purpose and values of a B2B brand. They articulate why the brand exists beyond making a profit, often highlighting social, environmental, or ethical commitments that resonate with business clients.

Examples of Mission-Driven B2B Brands

  • Ben & Jerry’s: Known for its social activism, Ben & Jerry’s mission story emphasizes sustainability and ethical business practices.
  • Unilever: Unilever’s mission to make sustainable living commonplace resonates with business clients who prioritize corporate responsibility.

Steps to Create a Mission Story for a B2B Brand

  1. Clarify the Mission: Clearly define the brand’s purpose and values.
  2. Show Real Impact: Provide examples of how the mission is being realized.
  3. Engage Emotionally: Use storytelling techniques that evoke empathy and inspiration.
  4. Maintain Consistency: Ensure the mission story aligns with all aspects of the brand’s operations and communications.

Role in Building B2B Brand Loyalty

A strong mission story can:

  • Inspire and motivate both employees and clients.
  • Build a loyal community around shared values.
  • Differentiate the brand in a meaningful and impactful way.

Product Stories

Product stories focus on the creation, features, and benefits of a B2B brand’s offerings. They highlight what makes the product unique and why it is valuable to business clients.

Iconic Product Stories from B2B Brands

  • Slack: The story of Slack’s development as a tool to enhance workplace communication illustrates the problem-solving approach and the quest for efficiency.
  • Zoom: Zoom’s product story emphasizes the platform’s ease of use and reliability, key factors that have driven its widespread adoption in business settings.

Developing a Product Narrative for a B2B Audience

  1. Identify Unique Features: Highlight what sets the product apart from competitors.
  2. Share the Development Process: Explain the journey from idea to final product.
  3. Include Client Testimonials: Provide real-life examples of how the product benefits business clients.
  4. Use Engaging Formats: Utilize videos, infographics, and interactive content to showcase the product.

Effect on B2B Customer Engagement

A compelling product story can:

  • Enhance client understanding and appreciation of the product.
  • Drive higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Foster brand loyalty through demonstrated value and innovation.

Customer Stories

Customer stories highlight the experiences and outcomes of businesses that use the brand’s products or services. These narratives are powerful testimonials that demonstrate real-world benefits and build credibility.

Examples of Impactful B2B Customer Stories

  • HubSpot: HubSpot shares detailed case studies of how its inbound marketing software has helped businesses grow, emphasizing measurable results and client success.
  • Salesforce: Salesforce showcases customer stories from a variety of industries, highlighting the versatility and effectiveness of its CRM solutions.

Collecting and Presenting Customer Stories in B2B

  1. Gather Authentic Testimonials: Encourage satisfied clients to share their experiences.
  2. Use Multiple Formats: Present stories through videos, blog posts, social media, and more.
  3. Highlight Specific Benefits: Focus on how the brand made a positive impact on the client’s business.
  4. Ensure Diversity: Showcase stories from clients across different industries and sizes.

Enhancing B2B Brand Trust and Credibility

Effective customer stories can:

  • Provide social proof and build trust.
  • Showcase tangible results and ROI.
  • Strengthen relationships with existing clients and attract new ones.

Combining Genres

Benefits of Multi-Genre Storytelling for B2B Brands

Using a combination of origin, history, mission, product, and customer stories can provide a comprehensive and engaging narrative that appeals to different aspects of the client’s decision-making process.

Examples of B2B Brands Using Multiple Genres

  • Cisco: Cisco integrates origin, mission, and customer stories to highlight its innovation, commitment to sustainability, and client successes.
  • Adobe: Adobe’s storytelling includes its history, product innovations, and customer success stories, creating a rich and engaging brand narrative.

Strategies for Integrating Different Story Types in B2B

  1. Create a Story Calendar: Plan and schedule different types of stories throughout the year.
  2. Cross-Promote Stories: Link different genres together to create a cohesive narrative.
  3. Use Consistent Themes: Ensure all stories align with the brand’s overarching message and values.

Crafting Your B2B Brand's Story

Identifying Unique Elements of Your B2B Brand

  1. Core Values: Define the principles that guide your brand.
  2. Key Differentiators: Highlight what makes your brand stand out.
  3. Customer Needs: Understand what your audience values and expects.

Choosing the Right Genre(s) for a B2B Audience

  1. Align with Goals: Select genres that best communicate your brand’s objectives.
  2. Consider Audience Preferences: Tailor the storytelling approach to what resonates with your target market.

Steps to Develop a Cohesive Narrative for B2B

  1. Research and Gather Insights: Collect data and stories from various sources within the brand.
  2. Draft and Refine: Create a draft narrative and refine it based on feedback.
  3. Visual and Emotional Appeal: Incorporate visuals and emotional elements to enhance engagement.

Tips for Storytelling Consistency in B2B

  1. Unified Brand Voice: Ensure all stories reflect the brand’s tone and style.
  2. Regular Updates: Keep stories current and relevant with ongoing updates.
  3. Engage Employees: Involve employees in the storytelling process to ensure authenticity.

Utilizing Digital Platforms

Social Media Strategies for B2B Storytelling

  1. Platform-Specific Content: Tailor stories for different social media platforms.
  2. Interactive Elements: Use polls, quizzes, and interactive posts to engage the audience.
  3. User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their own stories using branded hashtags.

Website Integration Techniques for B2B Brands

  1. Dedicated Story Pages: Create sections on the website for different story genres.
  2. Multimedia Content: Use videos, infographics, and slideshows to enhance storytelling.
  3. SEO Optimization: Ensure stories are optimized for search engines to drive organic traffic.

Email Marketing and Storytelling in B2B

  1. Personalized Stories: Send segmented emails with stories tailored to specific audience segments.
  2. Engaging Formats: Use visually appealing designs and multimedia content in emails.
  3. Clear CTAs: Include calls to action that encourage recipients to engage further with the brand.

Leveraging Multimedia Content for B2B Storytelling

  1. Videos and Animations: Use video content to bring stories to life.
  2. Podcasts and Audio Stories: Offer audio storytelling for audiences on the go.
  3. Interactive Content: Create interactive experiences that immerse the audience in the brand narrative.

Measuring Impact

Metrics for Assessing Storytelling Success in B2B

  1. Engagement Rates: Monitor likes, shares, comments, and other forms of engagement.
  2. Conversion Rates: Track how storytelling influences purchase decisions and sign-ups.
  3. Brand Sentiment: Use sentiment analysis tools to gauge audience reactions.

Tools for Tracking Engagement in the B2B Space

  1. Google Analytics: Measure website traffic and user behavior.
  2. Social Media Analytics: Use platform-specific analytics to track social media performance.
  3. Survey Tools: Collect direct feedback from customers through surveys and polls.

Adjusting Strategies Based on Feedback in B2B

  1. Analyze Data: Regularly review analytics and feedback to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  2. Test and Iterate: Experiment with different storytelling techniques and formats to see what resonates best.
  3. Engage with Audience: Actively respond to feedback and incorporate it into future storytelling efforts.

Case Studies of Successful B2B Brand Stories

  1. IBM’s “Smarter Planet” Campaign: Highlighted the company’s vision and mission to create smarter solutions for a complex world, driving engagement and positioning IBM as a thought leader.
  2. GE’s “Imagination at Work” Campaign: Showcased innovation and technology breakthroughs, reinforcing GE’s brand as an industrial leader.

Wrap Up

In the B2B world, storytelling is a powerful strategy to build connections, trust, and loyalty with business clients. By exploring and leveraging the five grand genres—origin, history, mission, product, and customer stories—B2B brands can create compelling narratives that resonate with their audience and drive business success. It's time for B2B brands to embrace the art of storytelling and start crafting their unique stories today.

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